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Lake Township

Luzerne County


Budget Message




The 2024 budget is based on anticipated revenues from the .5 mills real estate tax, a 5.00 per capita tax, a real estate transfer tax of ½ %, and a 1 % earned income tax.



Anticipated revenues also include Liquid Fuels Funds estimated at $112557.



Anticipated expenditures include $23,630 for the non-uniform employee pension plan.  Also, a fall clean-up, $206668 ARP Funds for new building project, $275,000 in grant acquisitions for vehicles and road projects, $8500.00 donation to be divided among five fire and ambulance companies, a $750.00 donation to the public library, $100 donation to Lake Lehman Last Knight event, and $200 donation to Patriots Cove and $200 donation to the Back Mountain Food Pantry.



The following raises have been included: Road foreman from $26.31 to $27.41, and road laborers from $24.81 to $25.91.


Based on the 2020 census of 1993 residents, and a total budget of $1,088,120,

anticipated spending amounts to approx. $545.97 per resident, per year.



Of the budget, about 27% is for General Government Administration, about 2% is for Public Safety, about 1% is for Health Services, 1% is for donations, 55% is for Roads, and 14% is for Insurance, Bonding, Employee Benefits and payroll withholdings. 

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